Nonprofits Are Welcome!
Once again it is time to begin planning for our community’s tradition, since 1976, of celebrating The Greater Rochester Heritage Days Festival!
The Greater Rochester Heritage Days Festival is held on Memorial Day Weekend in Rochester’s beautiful Municipal Park, May 25th and 26th. Festival hours are 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday.
The Festival promises to bring a touch of nostalgia to festival visitors. Several “anchor events” will return to The Festival including: the “Heritage Rod & Custom Car Festival” and the “Festival of Cars” car shows hosted by The Rochester Lions Club, an art show hosted by Dinosaur Hill Nature Preserve, historical displays from area historical societies and much more! We hope your nonprofit will join this team to contribute to an outstanding event in the park!
Community organizations that have participated in past years include the Rochester Lions Club, Rochester Fire Dept., Rochester Community House, Dinosaur Hill Nature Preserve, Rochester Hills Kiwanis Club, Rochester Rotary, Oakland Township Historical Society, and the Rochester-Avon Historical Society.
If you have any questions about how your group can become involved in the festival please do not hesitate to contact us. Some nonprofits use this as a fundraising opportunity while others take advantage of the exposure to raise the public’s awareness of their organization’s activities.
There is no fee if you are interested in doing an “information-only display” but we still ask you to fill out the form (just indicate “no sales”).
Does your nonprofit want to sell food? There is a minimum fee of $50 at time of application and Concessionaire shall contribute ten (10%) percent of net Festival sales or income in the case of a sponsoring organization to the Committee. (see application for more details)
Questions or concerns?
Sue M. Neal
Nonprofit Participant Organizer
Memorial Day Weekend
Rochester, Michigan
May 25th and 26th
Nonprofit Applications
Looking to setup an informational space to get the word out? That’s Free! But please fill out this form.
Is your nonprofit interested in selling food? click on the form below.
Nonprofit Rules and Guidelines

Festival Address
Rochester Municipal Park
400 6th Street
Rochester, Michigan 48307
Festival Hours
Memorial Day Weekend
Saturday, May 25th, 11 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Sunday, May 26th, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Contact Us!
Phone: 248.656.0999